Visavs Long Term Residence Permit
Avisa is used to enter the country, once or more than once!
Long-termresidence permit] looks just like a visa! It is also attached to thepassport and can last from one to five years. It is used to stay inthe country for a long period of time, or if your immediate family isin the country, then you can apply for a 'family reunion'visa. Neither the Q visa nor the Long Stay Permit can be used forwork.
Q2:This is a short term visa. The maximum duration of stay is 180 dayswhen you are abroad. It can be renewed within the country, but for amaximum of 180 days at a time.
Q1+LongTerm Residence Permit: is a long term visa. If you apply for a Q1abroad, you will need to apply for a long-term residence permit atthe place where you will be reunited with your family within 30 daysof entry. Most stays are for more than one year.
Toapply for the first time, apply at the embassy abroad and the embassywill consider that you meet the requirements for a Q visaapplication. Once you have received your visa, you can return to yourhome country. Once you have returned to your home country, you canmove around the country normally in Q2, regardless of the city. Q1requires you to go to the location of your relatives and apply for anadditional permanent residence permit.
Whatdocuments do I need to apply for a residence permit for familyreunion?
1、Submittingthe original valid passport and visa of the applicant.
2、Submita completed Foreigner Visa Document Application Form. Applicants mustgo to the city's entry-exit administration department in person for afree photograph, and those eligible to apply on behalf of theapplicant must submit a colour document photograph.
3、Submita health certificate issued by the domestic entry-exit inspection andquarantine department within 6 months.
4、Submittingthe original and a copy of the proof of the relationship of thefamily members.
5、Aletter from the person to be visited stating the relationship of thefamily members.
6、Submittingsupporting documents that are consistent with the applicant'sidentity and the subject matter.
(1)To visit a resident of the city, the original and a copy of thecertificate of permanent residence in the city and the residentidentity card of the person to be visited.
(2)Visiting a resident of a foreign city, the resident identity card ofthe person being visited and a valid Shanghai residence permit mustbe provided.
(3)Visiting overseas Chinese residing in the city, the original and acopy of the entry and exit documents of the person being visited, acertificate of settlement abroad, the city's real estate certificate(or the city's rental contract for more than six months) and amatching temporary accommodation registration form for personsoutside the city.
(4)To visit residents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the original andphotocopy of the Hong Kong and Macao Resident Certificate (TaiwanResident Certificate) of the person being visited; or the originaland photocopy of the entry/exit document and the city's real estatecertificate (or the city's rental contract for more than 6 months)and the matching temporary accommodation registration form of theperson from abroad.
(5)To visit a resident foreigner, the original and photocopy of thepassport of the person to be visited, the Permanent Residence Cardfor Foreigners, the real estate certificate of the city (or therental contract of the city for more than 3 months) must be provided.
1.The above-mentioned family members are the spouse, (spouse's)parents, children, children's spouses, siblings, (grand)grandparents,(grand)grandchildren.
2、Proofof the relationship of the family members can be issued by therelevant civil affairs, health, public security and other governmentdepartments, notary public departments or the embassies (consulates)of the countries to which the applicant belongs.
3.The first application must be made in person; the second applicationcan be made by a relative on behalf of the applicant with therelevant certificate; if the original residence permit expires but isrenewed within 3 months, the applicant is exempted from submitting amedical certificate.
4.If the immigration authorities of the public security organs considerit necessary to interview the applicant or require the submission ofother supplementary documents (proof of economic origin, proof ofchange of name and other information, proof of business operation,etc.), and except for reasons of force majeure, if the applicantfails to be interviewed or submit the documents within the agreedtime, the application will be withdrawn.
5.The decision made by the entry-exit administration of the publicsecurity authorities not to renew, exchange or reissue an ordinaryvisa, not to apply for an alien residence permit or not to extend theperiod of stay shall be final.