Scented Candles香薰蜡烛
Aromatherapy candles contain essential oils. It’s believed that these oils have a healing effect on the mind, body and spirit. Some of the benefits include reduced body pain, less stress and increased concentration.
Yet, as much as many of us love scented candles, some experts warn against them. They believe paraffin candles can be harmful to our health. Studies have shown that burning paraffin wax can release cancer-causing chemicals.
But there is a safer choice – soy candles. Soy wax is natural and made from soybean oil. When soy wax burns, it produces 90 percent less black smoke than burning paraffin. This makes soy candles better for the environment and people’s health. There are other benefits. Soy candles burn longer, produce less heat and any spills are easy to clean.
One rule applies to any candle you choose, though. Always use candles safely. Never burn them while you’re away from home or after you’ve gone to bed. Enjoy the fragrance and its benefits in a safe way.
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