以前上英语课的时候就很不解,澳门的英语为什么是 Macau?这跟它的普通话发音完全没关系啊,也不是粤语,为啥不是 Aomen?难道当时老外的中文听力出了什么问题?
当时葡萄牙人登陆的地方在妈祖庙附近,而澳门的妈祖庙叫“妈阁庙”,葡萄牙人问当地人“这里叫什么”,当地人以为他们问的是那个区域叫什么,便回答“妈阁”,于是澳门就这么阴差阳错地变成 Macau 了。
现在阅读关于澳门的英语文章,你会发现 Macau 和 Macao 两种写法,这两个写法都是对的。
最早的写法是 Macau,那是葡萄牙人当时造出的写法。内地现在常常拼写为Macao,英语里往往也是 Macao。现在澳门政府的网站用的是 Macao,但是葡语页面依旧用 Macau
It’s the most densely populated region on earth. While other places might seem more overpopulated, the key with Macau is its tiny size. A population of 648,500 squeezes in to just 30.5 sq. km making it, officially, the most densely populated territory on earth. Then take into account that in 2017, Macau saw a total of 32.6 million visitors. An overwhelming number of people for such a tiny place. And it has a fast-aging population. By 2050 there will be 8 non-working residents (including children and elderly) for every 10 active workers.
澳门是国内唯一可以合法赌博的地方,而澳门巨额的财富也基本全都来源于此,其经济总量的80%都是靠博 彩业,每年的总收益比拉斯维加斯高了3倍多。
It rakes in three times more than Las Vegas in annual casino profits. Macau is the most successful gaming capital on earth. The city’s booming casino industry accounts for around 80% of its economy. It remains the only place in China were gambling is legal, making it a huge attraction for gamblers from the mainland and Hong Kong. Macau generates three times the annual gambling revenue as Vegas with gross gaming revenue of US$28 billion annually, compared to US$6.4 billion generated by Vegas. What’s more, Las Vegas has 135 casinos compared to just 49 in Macau.
澳门每年博 彩业的收入比拉斯维加斯多3倍。澳门是全球最成功的博 彩之都。这座城市蓬勃的博 彩业占到了其经济总量的80%。它现在依旧是中国境内唯一可以合法赌博的地方,这让它吸引了内地和香港的大量赌客。澳门每年的博 彩业总收益有280亿美元,比拉斯维加斯的64亿美元多了3倍。而且,拉斯维加斯有135家赌场,而澳门只有49家。
P.S. 澳门当地人有时候不说“赌场”这个词,他们说“娱乐场”,因为赌场里面有很多影院、购物中心一类的配套设施,也是年轻人约会的地方。